Friday, October 22, 2010

We Love You Peter Jackson - Now Hire Us

After working in the film industry, both Minga and Ginga know what its like to be the lowest of the low, to be tramped on, to be unpaid, to be punched in the face and laughed and pointed at whilst the 1st camera assistant bitches about his cold Burger King.  It's not exactly a humane industry. 

So what's the beef with some wannabe-union (I stress 'wannabe') trying to take on 'The Hobbit'?  Nothing is fair in film but when there is the chance of actual work, with aforementioned hero, Jackson, we got excited.  We've worked with less impressive people for free and lost all our dignity, so let us at least work for crap pay for a man we actually like.  Stop the madness. 

Whatever your take, you must agree on the fabulously awesome brown cardie ensemble that PJ wore during this interview:

Like I said.  Hero.

If you liked that, check out Dangerous Gladys' new costume blog:  It's all about tweeds, three piece suits and beautiful men dressed beautifully talking about how beautiful they are:

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