Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pubs de pédé

One of the things that would strike many a foreigner about France is how homo advertising is here. So much of it would NEVER work in any English-speaking country that I know of (outside a gay ghetto). By the way, nothing in this post applies to you, Minga.

For example, I don't think that a red-blooded English speaker (male or female) would ever be driven into a consumerist frenzy by...

... this ad, one of many for the (admittedly awesome) Autumn 2010 collection of French clothing brand, A.P.C.:

... or by this ad for Galéries Lafayette, a French department store, featuring Frédéric Beigbeder (who, for all intents and purposes, actually is heterosexual):

... or by this ad for football betting:

Apparently, the Bloodhound Gang got it right:

Friday, October 22, 2010

We Love You Peter Jackson - Now Hire Us

After working in the film industry, both Minga and Ginga know what its like to be the lowest of the low, to be tramped on, to be unpaid, to be punched in the face and laughed and pointed at whilst the 1st camera assistant bitches about his cold Burger King.  It's not exactly a humane industry. 

So what's the beef with some wannabe-union (I stress 'wannabe') trying to take on 'The Hobbit'?  Nothing is fair in film but when there is the chance of actual work, with aforementioned hero, Jackson, we got excited.  We've worked with less impressive people for free and lost all our dignity, so let us at least work for crap pay for a man we actually like.  Stop the madness. 

Whatever your take, you must agree on the fabulously awesome brown cardie ensemble that PJ wore during this interview:

Like I said.  Hero.

If you liked that, check out Dangerous Gladys' new costume blog:  It's all about tweeds, three piece suits and beautiful men dressed beautifully talking about how beautiful they are:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Repel of the Week: Short 'n Sweet

Ext. University Grounds, Auckland - Day

GIRL nervously waits for the one lone BOY in her 'Existentialism: Why Bother?' class to come out.  His blond curls sparkle lovingly as the harsh Antarctic wind tussle it in delight.  She sighs.

GIRL: What are you up to now?  I was gonna go get a coffee if you wanna come?

BOY: Fuck off.*


* Technically what came out was "No thanks, I'm going to go meet my girlfriend" which is the universal code for "No I do not want you, be gone you hideous beast and stop soiling my soul with your wretchedness."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Supreme Sandwich Winner

We had another fabulous list to woo you all with today but alas Minga was forced to do actual work and subsequently lost her faith in anything and is on the verge of projectile vomiting if she has to stare at a computer screen for much longer.

Hence we'll keep it short.  After a whooping 11 votes (wooooo!) we have our Supreme Winner of the Annual Sandwich Choice Awards 2010.

We wrote to his Supreme Sandwichness R-Patz to congratulate him and give him his award - a homemade promise ring with the initials SSS (Sandwich Sex Slave) and a voucher to Minga's favourite lasor hair removal place (with Sally, she's legendary).  Alas we only got a hold of his UK manager who in true Brit fashion told us: "That's not my job" and continued to instead babble on about the weather whilst queuing for a sandwich and beer at the local. 
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