Saturday, October 16, 2010

Repel of the Week: Short 'n Sweet

Ext. University Grounds, Auckland - Day

GIRL nervously waits for the one lone BOY in her 'Existentialism: Why Bother?' class to come out.  His blond curls sparkle lovingly as the harsh Antarctic wind tussle it in delight.  She sighs.

GIRL: What are you up to now?  I was gonna go get a coffee if you wanna come?

BOY: Fuck off.*


* Technically what came out was "No thanks, I'm going to go meet my girlfriend" which is the universal code for "No I do not want you, be gone you hideous beast and stop soiling my soul with your wretchedness."

1 comment:

Christophe said...

Yes, like taking off a band-aid. Or a facial-hair wax-strip.

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