Dearest Ginga,
Though we are seperated by a great vast treacherous 'ocean' known as Cooks Strait and because you are currently undergoing a severe mental breakdown, I felt it necessary to send you a love letter of hope.
For those of you who are unaware, our poorest Ginga has been spending the last few months sadly attempting to deal with horrendous British families who are re-locating to the netherworlds of Mordor (Christchurch, New Zealand if we're being exact).
Trust us, these are not the really fit Christmas sock wearing Brits whom one gropes 'accidentally' on the Tube, but they are soul-less xenophobic degenerates who probably voted for BNP because 'those damn Paki immigrants caused the recession' (even though they've never worked a day in their life and milk the benefit to the point of lactose intolerance).
That's right, payback's a bitch and her name is Pauline Hanson - a sad excuse for a human being (and Gingas everywhere), who was the former leader of the One Nation political party in Australia. Perhaps we should let Interpol know and like Fox News, make her our Enemy of the Month? In fact let's make one now.
NAME: Pauline "no relation to 90's brother boyband" Hanson
NATIONALITY: Australian sub-species (just below the Platypus and above the Blue Bottle Fly)
OCCUPATION: Former leader of One Nation political party (read: fascist)
CATEGORIES OF OFFENCE: Atrocious haircut, convicted of fraud and xenophobia (though she did not know its meaning) "I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians."
THREAT LEVEL: Medium if you're ethnic, Extremely High if you're Aboriginal.
IF YOU SEE THIS ENEMY: Punch her in the face.
Good luck Britain,
Much Love,
If you want a real enemy of the week, check out Interpol's Red List ( includes lots of Minga's distant cousins...)